
Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Kapa haka

 It was kapa haka day and I was a Kaia.It was the first time being a Kaia,and I was so nervous.I zoomed through the school gates because I was a bit late.Into the classroom and I got my moko on then get my bodics on in the hall.When I came back into the classroom I was nearly ready to go but I still had to get my golden feather in my half up half down hair.Finally everything was ready,time to do the video.I was really sad Mum and Dad couldn't watch live.

It was about time to start performing.Our first song was Utaina and I was calling the first command.We sang and did the actions beautifully.Our Next songs were Ka waiata,Rona,Kapanapana,haka and Toia.Ithink toia was my favourite.After the last song we had to get out of our dresses the go to the green team play at Ilminster.I loved kapa haka and I want to share the video of it.

Kapa haka

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Green team ilminster

 Students from Ilminster made a play for us and this is how it went.Firstly Nanny Kora came out with her moko and Kina. Aunty Kora ended a story and the moko wanted another story. Aunty kora said go to bed so one of them went to bed and one stayed and the story was about Nanny Kora saving the planet.

Firstly some kids came to the skate park and tried some tricks.Then they had some lolly's and dumped the rubbish on the ground and left.Next the aliens came and dumped their rubbish from their planet(trash planet).They also left the robot there.

When the kids came back to the skate park they found the robot and got the robot to call the aliens because they saw the rubbish the aliens dumped.The aliens talked with the kids but the aliens left without their rubbish.

After that the kids went to talk with Nanny Kaura and told her about the aliens.Nanny Kaura said to call the aliens and she would talk to them.When the aliens came they thought that Nanny koura was their queen so the aliens obeyed the commands and the skate park was clean again.

The kids finished with a tidy up song then we went back to school.

Tuesday, 9 November 2021


 This term we were doing speeches my speech was about there should be more than one winner.I have put it in to read.I really liked it because I believed my argument that meant I was able to say it without being scared. Here it is.


Have you ever been so close to a gold medal that you were half a point off and you wish there could be more than one winner. Well today I’m going to tell you why I believe there should be more than one winner. I will convince you,Well I hope


First off,  I think it would make it more fair if two people or more were winners, especially if they were both tied together on the same points or at the same level. Did you see the Olympic men's high jump final? Both those guys were tied at the same height - Instead of a jump off to find the winner, one of them went up and asked if they could share the gold medal. They both ended up getting a gold medal each. How cool is that?


Another reason is that it will make you work harder because you know there are more chances to win. I think it would be more amazing when there are more chances.Would you work harder if you knew there were more chances to win? I know I would.


Lastly, if you know you have a better chance of winning you get more motivated and when you win, you know you deserved it, instead of being a close 2nd and feeling like you didn’t do as well. I feel bummed when I lose a close competition.


When you win you can also celebrate it with other people who win with you. It feels nice because you don’t feel bad for the 2nd and 3rd place competitors. Sometimes the 2nd gets angry at the 1st because they beat them when they are so close. If there were more winners no one would get angry or sad.


Everyone  is capable of winning but usually only one person wins. There are lots of athletes who really want to win. I really want the other hard workers to win as well as the first winner.The first winner is still great but I want everyone to have a chance to win. Everyone deserves the win because they work so hard(training many hours a day).



In conclusion I really want there to be more than one winner. There are probably so many close wins but only one person wins. Thank you for listening. I will end with a winning joke. Why do pancakes always win at baseball? Wait,Because they have the best batter.

I hoped you liked It 😄

Thursday, 21 October 2021



First SPaG of the term, We were learning about modality words.We put as many of the high modality words in a word cloud.Modality words like I know,Must and definitely are high modality words.There are also medium and low modality words.You use modality words in sentences like this is the low modality version, I will try be at school and the high version is I will be at school.I know I will use this in my writing.

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Enviroschools day


On the 28th of september our whole class went on a walk up the hill. We were going up there to see where the hamanatua stream started. When I saw who muddy it was I regretted just wearing sneakers. The road was ok to walk on but through the first gate we had to walk down a muddy hill. First we had to jump over hamanatua to keep walking. There was luckily a piece of wood that you could walk and jump to the other side.

Some people barely made it and some people just walked through. One more person then me. "I can  do this" I said to myself. Weee, over I went and I made it. Some Else fully face planted into the water and got fully wet.We started to walk and some people got muddy shoes because there were some puddles. We got to our first food stop and had morning tea. There were wasps were I was sitting so I moved.

On a bit more there was a lot of clay it all sticked on my shoes.I had to jump over lots of puddle. Someone lost their shoe in the mud.We got to the end of our walk and had lunch. After lunch we had to go all the way back through everything. When we got back to school we got told we were a GREEN GOLD SCHOOL!  

Tuesday, 31 August 2021


 "Ehh" Why do we have to go to your mountain biking meeting.I said. Ba ding went mums phone.The message was from dad.Grab some milk & bread covid case in auckland.So mum went to the supermarket and grabbed not just milk & bread she grabbed lots of things.Then off we went to GisInt. When we got there we were so early so we just sat in the car and waited.Finally Mum could go into the metting. Me and my brother just sat in the car and played games.

When Mum came back we got the bad news.The bad news was it was going to be level 4 lockdown.That meant learning online and a whole lot of fun.The first day of lockdown we had to dock our early's at home.The next day we did the same thing docking.My first creation I did was make what I call mood swings and this is me halfway there.

This is it when it was done.
And that was the start of lockdown.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

El3 SPaG, death at the orchestra

El3 SPaG

"El3 spag time" shoughted Koka Pip. I rushed like a lightning bolt breaking out of the craziness down to the mat. When I got to the mat I went to Koka Pips page on our class site to see what we were doing. Yay its murder mystery at the orchestra.

Koka pip read about what happened at a show. Next she gave the instructions about what we were doing today. We were trying to make a hexagon matching up all the words to there opposite to thereself.That type of words are called antonyms. My group was with Besty,Lila and Me. The workshop was long figuring out our first clue.Finally we were nearly there.

Next we only had to do 5 more matches.First of our last 5 was modern so we tried to find ancient. Finally we found it and put them together.Now it was up to the last match. We would have to find possible for impossible. There it was sitting there,Yay we found the clue.That day was so good.