
Monday, 21 June 2021

Strand L3

Strand again

It was strand and we had to watch a video to see what we were doing for our workshop.We all listened in and I had already saw a google drawing about oranges. If you don't know why its called oranges this is why. It's because we listened to a book called Mr Archimedes bath and he didn't know why his bath water always raised and overflowed. We were asked to write what Capacity,Weight,Mass,Width and volume means on a sticky note. We then all stuck them up on the whiteboard.The next week we had to see how many pips there were in a orange.We said there was 8 pips in two oranges.Now up to this week we had to write what we thought the Capacity,Weight,Mass,Width and Volume.I wrote.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

x Multiplication x


It was L3 number the only workshop in the day.We had to use a strategy to solve questions we didn't know.E.g 8x14. I made a screencastify to show you how solve a questions like the example.I only put up two questions on the slide,so here it is.

Friday, 4 June 2021

Quickwrite Recount Playground

Recount playground

It was the end of my sisters friends birthday and we got to play on the best playground ever.

First thing I did was go on the flying fox. I even standed up going down. When I hit the end and swung back I nearly feel off.Next down the huge slide. I first had to climb up lots of stairs.Finally I got there but still had to wait because people were already going down.When I went down I nearly wanted to scream it was so fast.

Lastly I went on the swings. When I started it was only about 10 swings then I was really high.Then I heard the breaking news that I had to go home. I was so sad about that but it was still the best playground iv'e ever been on. 

Thursday, 3 June 2021

The great Author!

 The Author

Today I was so excited because a great author was coming he was called Martin and his boss Anne. I saw them setting up in the hall when we were doing rhythmical,it looked so weird I didn't know what we were doing.I didn't tell anyone about it. We all lined up after morning tea and walked to the hall.I sat in the middle because that was a great view.He started with drawing someone.He picked a boy from wai syndicate.He made the boy funny by making him a carrot.Next he told us what the next topic would be. This time it was from a movie.Then he choose another person to draw. He choose a girl from Moana syndicate.Her drawing was the white rabbit of alice and a wonder land.

Next we listened to a story that he read about Anne doing this big walk through the desert, then drew a picture of what she heard when she slept in the desert, it was a weird dinosaur that kept farting.The dinosaur left a little bit of gas.The picture really creative.

Last but not least winter the white bear.We all watched a trailer about it.When it was done I was so sad. When they left I even more sad.The day was then boring.