
Tuesday, 31 August 2021


 "Ehh" Why do we have to go to your mountain biking meeting.I said. Ba ding went mums phone.The message was from dad.Grab some milk & bread covid case in auckland.So mum went to the supermarket and grabbed not just milk & bread she grabbed lots of things.Then off we went to GisInt. When we got there we were so early so we just sat in the car and waited.Finally Mum could go into the metting. Me and my brother just sat in the car and played games.

When Mum came back we got the bad news.The bad news was it was going to be level 4 lockdown.That meant learning online and a whole lot of fun.The first day of lockdown we had to dock our early's at home.The next day we did the same thing docking.My first creation I did was make what I call mood swings and this is me halfway there.

This is it when it was done.
And that was the start of lockdown.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

El3 SPaG, death at the orchestra

El3 SPaG

"El3 spag time" shoughted Koka Pip. I rushed like a lightning bolt breaking out of the craziness down to the mat. When I got to the mat I went to Koka Pips page on our class site to see what we were doing. Yay its murder mystery at the orchestra.

Koka pip read about what happened at a show. Next she gave the instructions about what we were doing today. We were trying to make a hexagon matching up all the words to there opposite to thereself.That type of words are called antonyms. My group was with Besty,Lila and Me. The workshop was long figuring out our first clue.Finally we were nearly there.

Next we only had to do 5 more matches.First of our last 5 was modern so we tried to find ancient. Finally we found it and put them together.Now it was up to the last match. We would have to find possible for impossible. There it was sitting there,Yay we found the clue.That day was so good.